e-mail: saintpaulrectory@gmail.com
Hector Molina, Jr.
Benjamin Santiago
Each Parish is a Non-Profit Religious Corporation under Delaware Law
governed by Trustees.
There are five (5) Parish Trustees
Three are Ex-Oficio members and officers and Two are Lay Trustees
The Ex-Oficio Trustees are:
The Diocesan Bishop
The Chancellor of the Diocese
The Pastor
Two Lay Trustees are elected each year as members of the Parish Corporation.
They are elected at an open meeting for a 1-year term that can be renewed for up to 3 consecutive terms by the Pastor. Generally the trustees do not have regular meetings but are convened by the pastor as circumstances require.
The Lay Trustee is both a parishioner and a citizen. As a Parishioner, they are a member of the Church which is governed by Canon Law. As a Citizen, they act under the laws of the State, fulfilling the requirements for Religious Corporations.
Trustees must be:
At least 25 years of age, a registered parishioner and a practicing Catholic.
A Trustee may be invited by the Pastor to be a member of the Parish Council or the Finance Council but they may not hold offices on those councils.
Obligations and Duties of the Lay Trustee