e-mail: saintpaulrectory@gmail.com
Knights of Columbus
San Pablo Council
Founded January 2009
All men 18 and older who are
practicing Catholics are invited to join
If interested please see one of the Knights
First Tuesday of Each Month
7:00 pm
Church Hall
Grand Knight - Gustavo Cepeda
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal and charitable organization for men. Our four principles are Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. All our works of charity are guided by these four virtues.
For more information please contact
Gustavo Cepeda
Los Caballeros de Colón es una sociedad de beneficencia fraternal católica de hombres. Nuestros cuatro principios son Caridad, Unidad, Fraternidad y Patriotismo, y todas las obras de caridad que realizamos están guiadas
por estas cuatro virtudes.
Los interesados pueden comunicarse
con Gustavo Cepeda